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What is a NABH Diagnostic Centre/Hospital?

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NABH Diagnostic Centre Certificate Sample

Deep Medical Centre has earned the coveted accreditation of the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH), becoming one of the few NABH diagnostic centres in North-East Delhi to achieve this benchmark of excellence in healthcare but what actually is NABH accredited or NABH Diagnostic Centre/Hospital?

What is a NABH Diagnostic Centre/Hospital?

What is a NABH Diagnostic Centre/Hospital?

Before understanding the meaning of NABH Diagnostic Centre/Hospital?, let’s first have an overview of what is NABH. NABH was established by the Government of India in 2006 and has an exhaustive list of over 500 distinct elements that need to be fully implemented and operational in order to earn accreditation. This includes clear and transparent policies and protocols that attempt to provide quality care for patients.

The NABH standards are based on a process-driven approach that covers all aspects of hospital and diagnostic centre activities – from registration, admission, pre-surgery, peri-surgery, and post-surgery protocols, discharge from the hospital to follow-up with the hospital after discharge. To comply with these standards, hospitals and diagnostic centres need to be patient-centred and organisation-centred. In addition, NABH requires governance aspects to be process-driven based on clear and transparent policies and protocols, streamlining the entire operation of the hospital and diagnostic centre.

NABH accreditation is equivalent to international standards such as JCI, HAS, Australian Council on Healthcare Standards, the Japan Council for Quality in Health Care, and the National Committee for Quality Assurance in the United States. Its standards have been accredited by ISQUA, the apex body accrediting the accreditators, making NABH accreditation at par with the world’s leading hospital accreditations.

NABH Diagnostic Centre/Hospital – Accreditation by NABH is a public recognition of a healthcare organization’s achievement of accreditation standards, demonstrated through an independent external peer assessment of the organization’s level of performance in relation to the standards. Accreditation benefits all stakeholders, with patients being the primary beneficiaries. Accreditation results in high-quality of care and patient safety, and patients receive services from credentialed medical staff. Patient rights are respected and protected, and patient satisfaction is regularly evaluated.

Staff in accredited healthcare organizations are also satisfied, as NABH provides for continuous learning, good working environment, leadership, and ownership of clinical processes. Accreditation stimulates continuous improvement and enables the organization to demonstrate commitment to quality care. It raises community confidence in the services provided by the healthcare organization and provides an opportunity for healthcare units to benchmark with the best.

At Deep Medical Centre, we take pride in our NABH accreditation and our commitment to providing quality care and patient safety. Our staff is dedicated to ensuring that we meet and exceed NABH standards, providing patients with the highest level of care possible. We constantly strive for improvement and are dedicated to providing a good working environment for our staff, so that they can continue to provide the best possible care to our patients.

We understand that healthcare is an essential service and that our patients rely on us for their well-being. That’s why we have invested in our facilities and staff to provide the best possible care to our patients. Our being a NABH diagnostic centre, is a testament to our commitment to quality care and patient safety, and we will continue to strive for excellence in all that we do.

NABH Diagnostic Centre in North-east Delhi

Deep Medical Centre : NABH Diagnostic Centre

We are a diagnostic centre and laboratory providing clinical solutions like MRI Scans, CT ScansMammographyDigital X-rayIVPHSGECGEEGTMT4D & 5D UltrasoundPFTAll types of Blood Tests, etc. We promise quality, we deliver it. Deep Medical Centre’s foremost focus has always been to maintain the highest standards in testing and hygiene, resulting in a high level of satisfaction among our more than twenty thousand patrons and being the fastest-growing laboratory in Northeast Delhi.

Our compassionate highly qualified team of radiologists and assistants have a gentle, caring manner and a feeling of family care because we keep our all empathy with not-so-good times that you or your family member may be going through, to require a diagnostic test.

If you have any questions about our imaging services, call Deep Medical Centre at (+91) 931-166-1478 / drop an email at / just click here to open the map to our physical location or request an appointment now. We wish you and your family a very healthy smiling time.

Join us on Instagram @deepmedicalcentreFacebook @deepmedicalcentre and Linkedin @deepmedicalcentre for healthy tips and general medical knowledge

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