4 Steps To Reduce The Belly Fat

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We’ve already discussed belly fat in this article: Discussing Belly Fat. But the prime question remains – how to reduce the belly fat? Today let’s discuss the 4 steps to reduce the belly fat.

4 Steps To Reduce The Belly Fat
4 Steps To Reduce The Belly Fat

4 Steps to reduce the belly fat

The four steps which we are going to discuss for checking belly fat are :

  1. Regular Exercise
  2. Proper Diet
  3. Adequate Sleep, and
  4. Managing Stress

Let’s discuss each one of them in a bit more detail.

Regular Exercise: 4 Steps to reduce the belly fat

Regular Exercise: 4 Steps to reduce the belly fat
Regular Exercise: 4 Steps to reduce the belly fat

There is no alternative to performing physical activities. Including visceral fat, all of our fat can be trimmed by vigorous exercise.

Moderate exercise of at least 30 minutes should be performed regularly. “I think, I walk enough every day, do I still need to do extra exercise?” – if we work up a sweat, our heart rate is faster than usual, and are breathing harder due to walking, then only can the walking count into exercise.

Duke researcher Cris Slentz, Ph.D. says, “Jog, if you’re already fit, or walk briskly at an incline on a treadmill if you’re not ready for jogging. Vigorous workouts on stationary bikes and elliptical or rowing machines are also effective.”

Exercise doesn’t mean that we have to spend time and money in a gym. Hairston says, “Rake leaves, walk, garden, go to Zumba, play soccer with your kids. It doesn’t have to be in the gym.”

Diet: 4 Steps to reduce the belly fat

Right Diet: 4 Steps to reduce the belly fat
Right Diet: 4 Steps to reduce the belly fat

Belly fat usually goes first while losing weight on any diet. Although there is no magic diet for reducing belly fat, a diet with enough fiber is certainly helpful. Research by Hairston shows that without any other diet changes, people who every day consume 10 grams of soluble fiber ( which is as simple as consuming a cup of green peas, a half-cup of pinto beans, or just two apples, over time build up less visceral fat than others. Hairston says, “Even if you kept everything else the same but switched to a higher-fiber bread, you might be able to better maintain your weight over time.”

Adequate Sleep: 4 Steps to reduce the belly fat

Adequate Sleep: 4 Steps to reduce the belly fat
Adequate Sleep: 4 Steps to reduce the belly fat

Yeah, it’s not just about not sleeping less but also sleeping more. It’s about adequate sleep, for the right amount of shut-eye is helpful in maintaining the healthy balance of the body and mind. According to a study, people who slept for 5 or lesser hours, or 8 or more hours, gained more visceral fat than those who got 6-7 hours of sleep per night. Though it may not have been the only thing affecting the visceral fat but it definitely had a role in it.

Managing Stress: 4 Steps to reduce the belly fat

Managing Stress: 4 Steps to reduce the belly fat
Managing Stress: 4 Steps to reduce the belly fat

No matter what we do, we certainly would always have reasons for stress. What matters is how we handle it. Meditation, chilling out with friends & family, getting counseling, exercising, doing what we like doing, etc, are the best things that we can do to manage stress. We should do anything that leaves us healthier, happier, and better prepared to take wise decisions in life.

Shively says, “If you could only afford the time to do one of these things, exercise probably has the most immediate benefits because it gets at both obesity and stress.”

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