We have gone through an overview of infertility, risk factors causing infertility, prevention measures to encourage the conception of a child, and causes of infertility in both males and females (Read Here: Infertility). We’ve also discussed the diagnosis of infertility in males, and in this article, we shall discuss the diagnosis of infertility in females.

Diagnosis of Infertility in Females
Women’s fertility depends on their ovaries producing healthy eggs. In order to be fertilized, an egg must be able to travel through the reproductive tract and into the fallopian tubes. The fertilized egg needs to get there in order to implant in the uterine lining. Finding out if any of these systems are compromised is the goal of tests for female infertility.
A routine gynecological checkup could be part of your general physical examination. Particular fertility testing could consist of:
Testing for ovulation – Diagnosis of Infertility in Females
Using a blood test, you can find out if you’re ovulating by checking your hormone levels.
Hysterosalpingography – Diagnosis of Infertility in Females

The procedure known as hysterosalpingography (his-tur-o-sal-ping-GOG-ruh-fee) assesses the health of your fallopian tubes and uterus and searches for any blockages or other issues. Your uterus is given an injection of X-ray contrast material, and an X-ray is then taken to assess if the cavity is normal and to check for any fluid leakage from your fallopian tubes.
Testing for ovarian reserve – Diagnosis of Infertility in Females
This test determines the number of eggs that are available for ovulation. Hormone testing is frequently the first step in this strategy early in the menstrual cycle.
Other hormone testing – Diagnosis of Infertility in Females
The levels of ovulatory hormones and pituitary hormones, which regulate reproductive processes, are measured by further hormone testing.
Imaging exams – Diagnosis of Infertility in Females
An ultrasound of the pelvis looks for ovarian or uterine conditions. A sonohysterogram, also known as a saline infusion ultrasonography, can occasionally be used to view uterine features that are not visible on a standard ultrasound.
Sometimes, depending on your situation, testing may entail:
Hysteroscopy – Diagnosis of Infertility in Females

Your doctor might order a hysteroscopy to check for uterine disease based on your symptoms. In order to observe any potential anomalies, your doctor will insert a small, illuminated instrument through your cervix into your uterus during the surgery.
Laparoscopy – Diagnosis of Infertility in Females
In this minimally invasive procedure, your fallopian tubes, ovaries, and uterus are examined by inserting thin viewing equipment through a small incision made beneath your navel. Endometriosis, scarring, blockages, or abnormalities of the fallopian tubes, as well as issues with the ovaries and uterus, may all be discovered during a laparoscopy.
Not everyone needs to undergo all of these tests, or even many of them, in order to identify the cause of infertility. Which tests you will have and when will be decided upon by you and your doctor.
IVF cycles occasionally employ additional methods, such as:
Injection of intracytoplasmic sperm (ICSI): A developed egg is given a direct injection of one healthy sperm. When there is insufficient or low-quality semen, or if fertilization attempts during previous IVF cycles were unsuccessful, ICSI is frequently performed.
Assisted hatching: By removing the embryo’s outer shell, this procedure aids in the implantation of the embryo into the uterine lining (hatching).
Donor sperm or eggs: The majority of ART uses the eggs and sperm from the couple. However, if the sperm or eggs have serious flaws, you may opt to employ the eggs, sperm, or embryos from a known or anonymous donor.
Gestational carrier: IVF utilizing a gestational carrier may be an option for women who lack a functional uterus or for whom pregnancy offers a major health risk. In this instance, the carrier’s uterus is used to carry the couple’s embryo.
Read next: Read this before Infertility Treatment
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