We have already learned about – what is diagnostic testing in our previous articles. In this article, we are going to discuss an overview of MRI Scan (a type of diagnostic test) and also learn the answer to – Is MRI Scan risky?

Overview of MRI
MRI is an acronym for ‘ Magnetic resonance imaging ‘. It is a medical imaging technique to create detailed images of the body’s organs and tissues using a magnetic field and computer-generated radio waves.
Generally, MRI Machines are tube-shaped magnets and large in size. Water molecules in our body are temporarily realigned by the magnetic field when we lie Inside an MRI Machine. Faint signals are produced by these aligned atoms due to radio waves and cross-sectional MRI Images – like slices in a loaf of bread, are created by using these faint signals.
3D images that can be viewed from various angles can also be produced by an MRI Machine.
Is MRI risky? – Overview of MRI

The presence of metal in our bodies can be really dangerous because MRIs use powerful magnets. Even if the metal in our body is not attracted to the magnet, the MRI Images would get distorted because of it. That’s one of the prime reasons that before having an MRI, we’ll be likely to fill out a questionnaire form, where we are to answer whether we have any metal or electronic devices present in our body or not. MRI won’t be possible unless the device present in our body is certified as MRI safe. Various devices that may be present in a body are :
• Artificial heart valves
• A pacemaker
• Metal pins, screws, plates, stents, or surgical staples
• metallic joint prostheses
• Cochlear implants
• Intrauterine device
• Implanted nerve stimulators
• An implantable heart defibrillator
• Metal clips
• A bullet, shrapnel, or any other type of metal fragment
• Implanted drug infusion pumps
Some of the darker inks are contained with metal, therefore we must inform our doctor if we have tattoos or permanent makeup and ask whether they might affect our MRI Test.
How magnetic fields may affect fetuses aren’t well understood and we must inform our doctor if we think we’re pregnant before scheduling an MRI. Accordingly, our doctor might postpone the MRI and recommend an alternative exam. Especially if we are to receive contrast material during or MRI Procedure and we’re breastfeeding, we must inform our doctor of the same.

The uses of injected contrast agents during our scan may be limited due to the problems of kidney and liver and it is therefore important to discuss our kidney or liver problem with our doctor.
Read Next : Uses of MRI Scan.
Looking for low dose, latest technology, high qualified radiologists’ reported MRI Scan in North-east Delhi? Our compassionate highly qualified team of radiologists and assistants have a gentle, caring manner and a feeling of family care because we keep our all empathy with not-so-good times that you or your family member may be going through, to require a diagnostic test.
Diagnostic Testing in North-east Delhi, Delhi.
We are a diagnostic centre and laboratory providing clinical solutions like CT Scans, Mammography, Digital X-ray, IVP, HSG, ECG–EEG, TMT, 4D & 5D Ultrasound, PFT, All types of Blood Tests, etc. We promise quality, we deliver it. Deep Medical Centre’s foremost focus has always been to maintain the highest standards in testing and hygiene, resulting in a high level of satisfaction among our more than twenty thousand patrons and being the fastest-growing laboratory in Northeast Delhi.
Our compassionate highly qualified team of radiologists and assistants have a gentle, caring manner and a feeling of family care because we keep our all empathy with not-so-good times that you or your family member may be going through, to require a diagnostic test.
If you have any questions about our imaging services, call Deep Medical Centre at (+91) 931-166-1446 / drop an email at contact@deepmedicalcentre.com / just click here to open the map to our physical location or request an appointment now. We wish you and your family a very healthy smiling time.
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