We have already discussed IVP Test Overview, in this article, we shall discuss IVP Test Preparation and Risks, if you haven’t already read the overview of intravenous pyelogram, we suggest you first go through it and then read IVP Test Preparation and Risks
Is an IVP Test risky? – IVP Test Preparation and Risks
We must question our doctor regarding the amount of radiation that is used during the test and the risks that may apply to us. The number of X-rays we have and the X-rays we may have over time would depict the risk of radiation exposure that we may have.

Our doctor must know if :
• we are allergic to or sensitive to any medicines, contrast dye, or iodine, for their use in the test may create an allergic reaction.
• we are pregnant or we think that we may be for birth defects may be lead by the radiation exposure during pregnancy.
• we have kidney failure or other kidney problems, for in some cases, the kidney may fail due to the contrast dye. If we take certain diabetes medicines, we are at a higher risk for this.
Urinary tract infections and urinating problems are also possible complications of the IVP test.
We must talk with our doctor regarding all the concerns and medical history and problems we have before the procedure for we may have other risks depending on our specific health conditions.
What can cause an IVP test less accurate? – IVP Test Preparation and Risks
There are certain things that can make an IVP test less accurate, like :
• Poor blood flow to the kidneys
• barium in our intestine from a recent barium test
• stool or gas in our colon
How can we prepare for an IVP Test? – IVP Test Preparation and Risks

Our doctor will guide us through the IVP Test procedure and we should ask him/her any questions that we have regarding our test procedure.
A consent form may be presented to us that would ask us to grant permission to go on with the IVP procedure. We should ask questions if any of the clauses of the form isn’t clear to us.
We should ask our doctor and follow all the measures regarding eating, drinking, or any other daily activities before the IVP Test.

We should inform our doctor of :
- Our allergic or sensitive nature to any medicines, latex, tape, anesthetic medicines (local and general), or contrast dye or iodine, for their use in the test, may create an allergic reaction.
- Our pregnancy for birth defects may be led by radiation exposure during pregnancy.
- Our kidney failure or other kidney problems, for in some cases, the kidney may fail due to the contrast dye. If we take certain diabetes medicines, we are at a higher risk for this.
- Our bleeding disorder or if we are taking anticoagulant (a blood-thinning medicine), aspirin, or other medicines that affect blood clotting.
- All other medicines that we may be taking, including all over prescriptions, over-the-counter medicines, and herbal supplements.
- Before the test, we are required to have a cleansing enema or suppository a few hours before the test and take a laxative the night before the test.
- To ascertain how well our kidneys react to the contrast dye, we may be required to have a blood test.
- Other than this, we are to follow any other instructions that our healthcare provider gives us to get ready for the test.
Read Next : IVP Procedure
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