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IVP Procedure

Table of Contents

We have already discussed IVP Test Overview, and IVP Test Preparation and Risks, in this article, we shall discuss the IVP procedure, if you haven’t already read the overview, risk, and preparation of Intravenous Pyelogram, we suggest you first go through those articles and then read IVP Procedure.

IVP Procedure
IVP Procedure

What happens during an Intravenous Pyelogram? – IVP Procedure

Our IVP test may be done as an outpatient or as part of your stay in a hospital, irrespective of which the way the test is done varies on our condition and the practices of our healthcare provider. Still, typically an IVP procedure follows the following process :

  • We will be required to take off any jewelry and other such objects that may pose a hindrance in the test.
  • We may be instructed to change our clothing to gown provided by the healthcare facility.
  • Insertion of an intravenous (IV) line in our arm or hand.
  • On an X-ray table, we will then be instructed to lie face up.
  • X-rays of our kidneys, ureters, and bladder will be taken by the radiologist.
  • The contrast dye will then be injected into the IV by the radiologist.
  • As the die travels through the kidneys and urinary tract, a series of X-rays would be taken by our radiologist, lasting about 30 minutes, during which we may be asked to change positions.
  • We may be given a bedpan or urinal or may be sent to use the toilet because we will be asked to empty our bladder.
  • To see how much contrast dye remains in the bladder, a final X-ray would be taken by our radiologist after we have emptied our bladder.
IVP Procedure
IVP Procedure

Is the IVP procedure uncomfortable? – IVP Procedure

An intravenous (IV) line would be inserted into our arm or hand and a contrast dye would be inserted in it. Due to this, we may feel various discomforts for a few moments like a salty or metallic taste in your mouth, a brief headache, flushing sensation, itching, nausea, or vomiting.

What happens after an IVP test? – IVP Procedure

After an IVP test, no special care is needed. Unless our healthcare provider tells us otherwise, we may go back to our usual diet and activities.

We may be advised to drink more fluids to aid the flushing of the contrast dye from the body. That’s why, we should keep track of how much fluids we are drinking and how much urine we pass over the next 24 hours.

However, in case of the following symptoms, we should call our healthcare provider right away :

• Blood in our urine
• Chills or Fever
• Itching, hives, sneezing, or nausea
• Swelling, redness, bleeding, or another drainage from the IV site

Depending on our situation, our healthcare provider would provide us with the needed guidance for the next test or procedure.

IVP Overview - IVP Procedure
IVP Overview – IVP Procedure

What to do next after our IVP Procedure? – IVP Procedure

We must make sure that we have the following answers before we agree to the test or procedure:

  • The name of the test or procedure.
  • The cause of having the test or procedure.
  • The results which we can expect and their meaning.
  • The risks and benefits of the test or procedure.
  • The possible side effects or complications of the test or procedure.
  • The time and location where we are to have the test or procedure.
  • The qualified person to perform the test or procedure.
  • The consequence of not having the test or procedure.
  • If there are any alternative tests or procedures to think about.
  • When and how will we be able to get the results.
  • If we have questions or problems, whom can we call after the test or procedure?
  • Cost of the test or procedure

Looking for the latest technology, new machines, high qualified radiologists’ reported IVP in Northeast Delhi? Our compassionate highly qualified team of radiologists and assistants have a gentle, caring manner and a feeling of family care because we keep our all empathy with not-so-good times that you or your family member may be going through, to require a diagnostic test.

Book your IVP test to be done at Deep Medical Centre, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi – 110053

Diagnostic Testing in North-east Delhi, Delhi.

We are a diagnostic centre and laboratory providing clinical solutions like CT ScanMammographyOPG X-rayDigital X-rayIVPHSGECGEEGTMT4D & 5D UltrasoundAll types of Blood Tests, etc. We promise quality, we deliver it. Deep Medical Centre’s foremost focus has always been to maintain the highest standards in testing and hygiene, resulting in a high level of satisfaction of our more than twenty thousand patrons and being the fastest growing laboratory in North-east Delhi.

Our compassionate highly qualified team of radiologists and assistants have a gentle, caring manner and a feeling of family care because we keep our all empathy with not-so-good times that you or your family member may be going through, to require a diagnostic test.

If you have any questions about our imaging services, call Deep Medical Centre at (+91) 931-166-1478 / drop an email at / just click here to open the map to our physical location or request an appointment now. We wish you and your family a very healthy smiling time.

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